Tuesday, 31 August 2021

Back to School Planning

Tuesday, September 7th, 2021

Suggested Grade 3 School Supply List
-Sketch book 9" x 12" (Dollarama has cheap but good ones)
- Four tennis balls forc hair noise cancellation
- Pencil case
- Glue sticks
- Personal set of thin & thick color markers
- Personal set of colour pencil (no crayons)
- Waterbottle (Please label with student name)
- Mini Hand Sanitizer for inside desk
- Extra masks stored in ziploc for inside desk
- A few pens (any color) to mark work       
- Inside running shoes
(which will be kept in the classroom)                 

 * No duatangs or binders please

80 Page Sketchbook | Dollaramasunburst mirror | Plastic spoon art, Plastic spoon crafts ...    

Items our classroom would
LOVE to receive as donations
- Lysol disinfecting wipes
- Kleenex boxes
- packages of Dollarama spoons, forks
- Over the door shoe organizer
- Box of Cheerios, raisons, granola
(for kids who come in without snacks
or breakfast)
I am also collecting the
following recycled items for Art Lessons:
- plastic lids from yogurt and
cottage cheese containers
(we use them as little paint & glue palettes)
- baby jars, toilet paper rolls     
- meat trays
- food flyers for healthy living unit activities  
- old dish rags
- board games for rainy inclement recesses